More House - home to the Catholic Chaplaincy
You will find More House on Main Street. If you come to the end of Spring Lane (the lane going from campus to Heslington Lane and look across the road to your right you'll see it. More House is the house with a blue door).
More House is the home of the Catholic Chaplaincy at the University as well as a base for many ecumenical chaplaincy events and activities. Several student groups also meet on a regular basis at More House. The house is open to any member of the University of all faiths and none. Catholic Chaplain, Fr Richard Duffield, also has a room there.
More House is a place of welcome for all who want to use it. The door is open - no door bell to ring - just wander in. The house has a comfortable sitting room, upstairs group meeting room, library/study and a kitchen with tea, coffee, chocolate and biscuits available for free! We also have a beautiful back garden which is a great place to relax in the summer term. Free Wi-Fi access is available. Flipchart, data projector and screen are available on request.
The house has a small prayerful chapel where Mass is celebrated on Sundays at 12.15 pm and at 5 pm Tuesdays to Fridays. On Wednesdays there is a shared Ecumenical Chaplaincy Service at 12.30 pm followed by a soup lunch. All are welcome.
Click here for the More House website
More House is the home of the Catholic Chaplaincy at the University as well as a base for many ecumenical chaplaincy events and activities. Several student groups also meet on a regular basis at More House. The house is open to any member of the University of all faiths and none. Catholic Chaplain, Fr Richard Duffield, also has a room there.
More House is a place of welcome for all who want to use it. The door is open - no door bell to ring - just wander in. The house has a comfortable sitting room, upstairs group meeting room, library/study and a kitchen with tea, coffee, chocolate and biscuits available for free! We also have a beautiful back garden which is a great place to relax in the summer term. Free Wi-Fi access is available. Flipchart, data projector and screen are available on request.
The house has a small prayerful chapel where Mass is celebrated on Sundays at 12.15 pm and at 5 pm Tuesdays to Fridays. On Wednesdays there is a shared Ecumenical Chaplaincy Service at 12.30 pm followed by a soup lunch. All are welcome.
Click here for the More House website